AN Irish woman has become the first adult in the world to receive a revolutionary REMOTE CONTROLLED 'ROBO SPINE', which uses magnets to combat the effects of scoliosis. Deirdre McDonnell, 34, from Drogheda, County Louth, can now stand tall for the first time after undergoing the pioneering MAGEC rod operation. The operation, also known as the magnetic expansion control system, involves the insertion of a magnetic rod that is screwed onto the spine and controlled externally in order to correct the curvature caused by scoliosis. Up until now, the £15K procedure has only been performed on children, as it was thought only to be effective for early onset scoliosis - typically diagnosed before the age of ten.
Vikki Jose, 26 loves nothing more than lavishing gifts on her loved ones at Christmas time .
THROWING himself off 1,100ft bridges in a wheelchair, this is the PARALYSED base jumper who knows no fear .
LINED up one by one on a deer’s back, these little birds give their wings a break as they catch a ride across London .
THIS is the moment one irritated pelican nearly swallows the entire head of his unlucky competitor .
Daniel Blore, 21, of Innage Crescent, Bridgnorth, stabbed his mother three times in the attack on January 11 this year, Stafford Crown Court heard .
A teacher has told how she was attacked by a murderer on her way home from a night out but courageously managed to charm him out of strangling her .
Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol .
A transgender woman has beaten the bullies after spending £25K on surgery to become a beauty pageant queen .
A woman has told how she saved the life of her own rapist after he overdosed on pills shortly after attacking her .
SNUGGLED up in the hay away from the elements, this adorable hoglet has sought solace with a familiar friend .
One sheepdog is taking a well-deserved rest after giving birth to a whole WHEELBARROW-FUL of puppies .