A photographer from the United Arab Emirates travelled to Pakistan where he captured the lives of local people in a series of expressive portraits. Sohail Karmani, 48, spent two weeks in Sahiwal, a city in the province of Punjab, where more than 60 per cent of the population live on as little as £1.30 a day. Sohail, a writing professor at New York University Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, hopes his portraits will provide a snapshot of how people are coping in a world of poverty. He says: "I hope my photos raise some awareness by putting a human face on the everyday struggles many Pakistanis face.
A photographer has travelled the length of the UK capturing lighthouses and their picturesque surroundings .
A cheeky chipmunk offers some of his spare food, before deciding against the idea and shoving the extra peanut into his already crammed mouth .
A teenager bullied for having birthmarks all over her body now hopes to become a Hollywood actress to show girls that beauty comes from being unique .
WITH A wide smile plastered across his face, this little gecko is ready for his close up .
These are the amazing close up pictures of North Korea's mass games - after photographers were previously banned from taking shots so close to the dazzling formation dances .
HEART-MELTING shots of a French bulldog and a ten-month-old French baby could be the cutest you’re likely to see .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
With their guts spewing and eyes hanging out, these are the cuddly toys children might be reluctant to curl up to .
A LUXURY baby cot has hit the shelves with a price tag just shy of 10 MILLION POUNDS .
The view from this rooftop pool is sure to make most holidaymakers envious .
LYING back in the snow, these two polar bears share a cuddle as they call time out on playtime .
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move .