Suspended FIFTY metres in the air, this is the last place that you would expect to find a fine dining experience. These smartly dressed diners are strapped into their seats with six-point seat belts at a table attached to a crane. Sitting on a table for 22, which is covered by a canopy, the guests are hoisted for 40 or 60 minutes, depending on their preference. The Dinner in the Sky experience offers no walls or floor, but thrill seeking guests are able to admire stunning views as they sip their champagne above cities like London, Paris and Las Vegas.
Exibiting their superhuman strength these ants look ready to create an art attack by lifting pencils several thousand times their own weight .
Meet the real life princess who has spent £10k transforming herself into nine Disney beauties .
This was the chaotic scene when the driver of a 4x4 vehicle became periously trapped under his vehicle for an HOUR when it overturned after a crash on a busy motorway .
A former food addict who had spent her whole life dreaming of romance shed an astonishing 12st 7lbs to experience love for the first time .
BURSTING from the water, a beautiful but deadly Sumatran tiger jumps for food in an Indonesian zoo .
A Crohn's sufferer has slammed doctors who allegedly accused her of being anorexic after she lost 10st in just three months .
A single woman, who was granted IVF funding on the NHS, finally has a baby after suffering three miscarriages .
A baby sperm whale assumed the role of a friendly giant when faced with two awestruck divers .
An elegant snowy owl spreads her wings and glides effortlessly above the snow covered field .
A trio of ants are locked in a tug of war over a fly as they pull the bug by its legs .
SKIPPING on the spot, an adorable little owl embraces the 'running man' challenge .
A woman who was addicted to GREGGS has lost 9st after giving up her favourite food .