TWIN SISTERS from Australia have taken their sisterly bond to the extreme by spending £150,000 to look IDENTICAL. 28-year-old doppelgangers, Anna and Lucy DeCinque from Perth, WA, have had countless cosmetic surgeries from lip fillers to breast implants and tattooed eyebrows in a quest to look EXACTLY THE SAME. From their matching treatments to their identical exercise routines, the stunning brunettes are devoted to being duplicates and never stray from each others' sight for more than a few moments. The sisters are so close that they share a phone, a car, a job and a Facebook account. They even share the same bed - and BOYFRIEND.
Forget One Direction and Cheryl Cole, a new calendar is celebrating Britain's real heroes - the nation's most inspiring mums .
The dog having been pulled from the car - A police officer smashed a window in the blue Chrysler car to free the dog which was in visible distress .
STANDING on its hind legs, a nosey polar bear presses its paws against the window of a truck and takes a peek at the tourist inside .
An eight-year-old boy who lost his legs and left hand to meningitis is standing tall after learning to walk on his prosthetic limbs .
A little boy aged FIVE bravely delivered his newborn brother - then promptly saved his life .
CONTRASTING settings reveal some of England’s most beautiful landscapes in all their glory .
Walking down the street in her local town, heads turn as Jessica Villafane passes by .
A stunning ice cave in Iceland is illuminated by sunlight as the bright blue ice appears glow inside .
MEET the underwater British seal who is so friendly he loves to grapple divers like a friendly puppy dog .
A photographer has transformed women with alopecia into stunning sirens - showing that bald is beautiful .
A Zumba-mad grandma has lost almost 14st after becoming addicted to the popular dance craze .
A mother has spoken of her outrage after discovering her missing cat had been stolen - only to be told she cannot have its location due to the Data Protection Act .