MEET the underwater British seal who is so friendly he loves to grapple divers like a friendly puppy dog. The island of Lundy 12 miles off the coast of Devon is home to around 60 of these charismatic grey seals who play in the shallow waters this time of year. Pictures show how one of these sea mammals fell in love with software developer Past Baker, from Brighton. Once he spotted Pash the sociable marine beast swam through her legs, and gave her a cuddle before the pair sealed their love with a bubbly kiss
THIS alien-like bug would look more at home in outer-space but it can actually be found wriggling around here on Earth .
At first glance it might look like someone has taken their revenge on the makers of those infuriating insurance ads .
Meet the human CCTV: a PCSO with a memory for faces so sharp he has apprehended more than 130 suspects in the last year alone with his eagle eyed talents .
A brave leopard kicks back and relaxes in the sunshine - just inches from an enormous crocodile .
WRAPPED up in classy headscarves, these adorable pooches are the picture of sophistication .
STARING eagerly into the camera, this little toad is full of curiosity .
The sun is finally out, bringing a smile to many people’s faces – including this cute little dormouse’s! Grinning from ear to ear, this tiny dormouse appears to have been tickled by something as it clambered up this flower, basking in the sunshine, whilst having a little laugh to himself .
PUCKERING up and enjoying some quality time, these are the most lovable monkeys on the planet .
HUDDLED together in the hollow of a tree, it would be easy to overlook these two sleepy owls as they blend into the trunk .
This may look like a monster car engine that will leave petrol heads in a spin, but it is in fact a rather snazzy looking COFFEE MACHINE .
A mother has spoken of her outrage after discovering her missing cat had been stolen - only to be told she cannot have its location due to the Data Protection Act .
DASHING through the snow, this little stoat is on the lookout for a Christmas feast .