SAT happily on the branch of a tree, this little frog appears unfazed by a surprise visitor. The green tree frog was watching the world go by when a butterfly landed on top of its head. The incredible images were captured by Indonesian photographer Muhammad Berkati after he spotted the unusual friendship whilst walking through a meadow in Palangkaraya, Indonesia. The 30-year-old, of Kelua, South Kalimantan, says: ‘I was ecstatic that I got to witness this phenomenon, as it is very rare and not something you’d see every day
A psychology student from California looks so much like Game of Thrones' Jon Snow that he is mobbed by fans of the fantasy show.
The lighthouses of Brittany, from Brest to Le Conquet, stand tall on France’s north-western coast against stunning scenery.
MOUTH OPEN wide, this little stoat appears to be in mid-song as he belts out a tune for his onlookers.
A coroner stunned an inquest into a honeymooner who died abroad today by asking her husband if he was involved in her drugs death.
A brave praying mantis makes an unusual friend in an Oriental garden lizard.
A personal trainer who was dumped over a life-changing sleep disorder has finally found love.
This cheeky chappie is getting into all kinds of monkey business as he enjoys cooling off on a scorching hot day.
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard.
A mother-of-four has revealed how her daughter was stabbed to death by her ex partner, while their horrified children watched on.
FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle.
FOR most restaurateurs, the phrase ‘the customer is always right’ is gospel.
SHOVELLING food into his mouth, this hungry gorilla enjoys a peaceful moment at dinner time.