AN expectant mum suffered crippling contractions lasting a gruelling two months, due to complications from a rare condition. Debbie Mills, 24, fell pregnant despite having to cope with agonising nerve condition CRPS, for which she takes painkillers. But, as baby Owen grew inside her, doctors told her it would be too dangerous to him if she kept taking her medication. She came off the pain relief, but 28 weeks into the pregnancy she started having severe stomach pains, which were diagnosed as contractions – and they continued until Owen was born – at 37 weeks.
A BEAUTIFUL sight for the eyes and the imagination, these liquid sculptures take shape in many different colours and formations.
A small Indian monkey is seemingly gob-smacked after reading the latest stock market news.
A 21st stone woman suffering from 'body blindness' like Dawn French shed more than half her body weight after a shock revelation brought her to her senses.
WOMB STROKE SURVIVOR AMAZES DOCS BY TAKING FIRST STEPS - A little girl who suffered a catastrophic stroke in the womb which would have killed an adult has stunned the medical world by learning to walk, talk and see.
DINING under the stars, this restaurant takes you back in time - inside an ancient cave.
Enjoying life’s little pleasures is something that many struggle to do.
Meet the world's most lifelike Disney princess - a 21-year-old man from California.
A feisty squirrel takes on a fearsome foe when he decides to tackle a T-REX.
A family who were refused the location of their missing cat under the Data Protection Act have been reunited with their moggie after the keepers handed him back.
At 19st and eight months pregnant, Ashley Whitfield, went into hospital to have her baby son, Isaac, delivered by emergency C-section.
Surveying its surroundings, a tiny harvest mouse climbs the stem of a dandelion.