SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea. The amazing photographs were captured by an underwater diving company while out exploring the ocean in Tonga. Scott Portelli, 41, manager of Swimming with Gentle Giants, said: “I have been swimming with whales in Tonga for over 12 years.
PERCHED on a branch, this Little Owl plays third wheel to two love birds .
NEVER mind being careful not to choke on your food, this mother bird has a bigger challenge on her hands, as her ravenous offspring impatiently launches its head down into her stomach .
A northern potoo shows it is a master of disguise as it perches on a tree stump and blends into the bark .
A photographer from the United Arab Emirates travelled to Pakistan where he captured the lives of local people in a series of expressive portraits .
A nine year old girl nearly lost her leg after doctors initially misdiagnosed her bone cancer as a pulled muscle .
THESE kingfishers prove no rod is needed as they go fishing for their dinner .
AN ITALIAN mechanic has created the world’s most ferocious mini-car .
FLAUNTING its new accessory, a fashionable green dumpy tree frog poses for the camera while wearing a SNAIL as a hat .
A chipmunk, with his cheeks full to bursting, has no intention of leaving with an empty stomach .
A SPECTACULAR array of stars fills the night sky as they soar over this active volcano .
When Kylie Holgate discovered her fiancé was having an affair, her world came crashing down .