A woman has released pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered when her jealous ex attacked her with a brick. Part of Shannon Johnson’s skull was left exposed after thug, Thomas Bardsley, 34, followed her home and launched a horrific assault on the mum-of-one. When Shannon, 25, fled inside her home, Bardsley can be seen on her ring cam doorbell footage, covered in her blood. In January this year, Bardsley was jailed for ten years, after being convicted of wounding with intent and threats to kill. Now brave, Shannon, from Sussex, is sharing her story of survival to encourage other victims of abuse to speak out and report their attackers.
AN ITALIAN mechanic has created the world’s most ferocious mini-car .
STEPFORD wives from the 1950's and 60's are performing history's most sexist exercise programme .
BURSTING colours of reds, pinks and purples give the illusion of a collection of stunning flowers .
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move .
THE TOWERING Irish cliffs of Moher stand tall over the rippling Atlantic Ocean .
MOUTH OPEN wide, this little stoat appears to be in mid-song as he belts out a tune for his onlookers .
A WIMBLEDON-mad couple will be creating a racket this summer - after installing a TENNIS COURT in their living room .
Soldiers standing guard outside the Woolwich barracks in London - Two terror suspects are under armed guard in separate hospitals in London after a serving soldier was hacked to death in the street .
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art .
AN anorexic woman whose heart stopped after she starved herself to 3st has revealed that ‘dying’ for a minute helped shock her into recovery .
A BUMPER season of births has left zoo with three of the cutest exotic kittens you're likely to see .
A mum from Gloucestershire has accepted her four-year-old twin son’s decision to live full time as a girl - and is now letting him wear a skirt to school .