THE CRAZE for mimicking the video game Streetfighter has spread to the streets of London. The new ‘Hadouken’ craze that has been sweeping the internet for a few weeks has now been taken to new lengths, with this professional photographer deciding to try his hand at posing pretend fireballs and throwing fake dragon-punches. London photographer, who goes by the name Anatoleya, 29, convinced his friends to recreate his favourite video game characters fighting it out in Britain’s capital. ‘Streetfighter is more than a fighting game - it takes practice, patience and skill to master a character and their unique moves’
FROM ICE bubbles to boiling lava, these photographs highlight the stunning shapes and patterns found in nature .
A mum-of-one was left looking like a ‘monster’ after suffering a horrific allergic reaction to hair dye while pregnant .
A woman has released pictures of the horrific injuries she suffered when her jealous ex attacked her with a brick .
A woman has spent over £11k to get the perfect body after a 9st weight loss left her with excess skin .
An eight-year-old boy who lost his legs and left hand to meningitis is standing tall after learning to walk on his prosthetic limbs .
FOR someone who hates milk, pensioner Steve Wheeler has got an udder-lot of it - nearly 20,000 bottles in fact .
Aged 27, I was swept off my feet by my gorgeous husband, Lee, now 42 .
This starling and prairie dog will not back down an inch as they have a fearsome stand-off over who gets to eat a nut .
CONTRASTING settings reveal some of England’s most beautiful landscapes in all their glory .
LYING flat out on his back, this little meerkat makes the most of the English sunshine .
An adorable orangutan named Pongo celebrates his first birthday at Zoo Atlanta, Georgia, America .
A chipmunk, with his cheeks full to bursting, has no intention of leaving with an empty stomach .