HOTSPOT MEDIA - WAVE-ING GOODBYE TO RUSH HOUR: WHILE most workers endure commuting chaos by road or rail everyday, one entrepreneur has come up with a novel way to get to the office - by KAYAK. Pictures show 23-year-old Mike Bandar taking advantage of the city that claims to have more canals than Venice – by kayaking for miles to work in Birmingham each day. Instead of facing the misery of traffic in a private vehicle or being squeezed into sweaty public transport like most of Britain’s commuters this summer, Mike travels for 40-minutes on his two-mile round trip through the heart of the second city. Each morning, he takes his eight-foot-long pyranha kayak from his bedroom in his two bedroom flat and walks five-minutes through his local high street in Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter to the Fazely Canal. .... (Pic by Mathew Growcoot / HotSpot Media) SEE HOTSPOT MEDIA COPY 0121 551 1004
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters .
EAGERLY BITING his nails, this little squirrel is clearly nervous of looming predators as he searches for his meal .
A little brown bear cub shows his doting mum that she is always on parent duty as he uses her as a scratching post .
SAT with his arms folded and a cross look on his face, this Gorilla looks like he's had enough of the Christmas holidays already .
A British jewellery designer with a passion for London's iconic Gherkin has created a pen with an INK-REDIBLE price tag of £27,500 .
WITH A wide smile plastered across his face, this little gecko is ready for his close up .
COULD this be the most distastrous wedding cake fail EVER? Most brides opt for a traditional tiered white wedding cake decorated with delicate pink roses and lace for their big day .
FLEXING his muscles and staring straight at his opponent, this bodybuilding squirrel is the nuts .
FIFTEEEN years after it was closed pictures by a British teacher show the calamity Hong Kong airport that was closed for being too dangerous .
THE CRAZE for mimicking the video game Streetfighter has spread to the streets of London .