WITH his spiked ears and yellow and blue body, a colourful monkey bears an uncanny resemblance to Marvel Comics’ Wolverine. While the comic book hero, who is a member of the X-Men, is known for his retractable claws and ferocious temper, this Wolf's mona monkey appears much more relaxed as he peacefully sits in a tree. The adorable monkey was photographed in Batu Secret Zoo in Indonesia by Lessy Sebastian. The 51-year-old photographer, of Jakarta, Indonesia, says: “I spotted him from afar just sitting peacefully and eating some food.
A SPECTRUM of colours fills the sky during this spectacular and natural display of light .
ARM extended and head flung back, this little chipmunk performs a loose-limbed yoga move .
A diver explores the crystal clear waters of the Silfra canyon in southern Iceland, which is the only place on Earth where you can dive or snorkel between two continental plates .
SWIMMING in unison, millions of silverside fish dwarf the divers .
Scurrying along the branch of a tree, a little squirrel pushes a pram packed full of Easter treats .
These are the faces of orphans suffering from the horrifying effects of chemical warfare .
MOUTH OPEN wide, this little stoat appears to be in mid-song as he belts out a tune for his onlookers .
LOCATIONS bursting with vibrant greens and chestnut browns, these photographs capture the peaceful English countryside in all its glory .
Gigantic 100ft waves create the perfect playground for dare-devil surfers from across the world .
SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea .