PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea. The curious rodent is obviously suspicious of its new toy and after holding the copper tea-pot above its head, the squirrel attempts to wear the prop as a hat. The playful squirrel was photographed by carpenter Geert Weggen in his garden in Bispgarden, Sweden.
FROM a HOLLYWOOD actress to the face of an innocent child, these are incredible drawings with an unlikely twist .
A Hereford woman has lost 10st 3lbs after ditching her £260-a-month takeaway habit .
Jostling their quills into the noses of some unlucky cubs, this is the moment two feisty porcupines ALMOST defeat a pride of seven lions .
A pair of BEAUTIFUL rescue sea turtles spot their catch in the waters of the Great Barrier Reef .
ROLLING across a 65-metre-high viaduct in the Alps, the red carriages of the Bernina Express add a splash of colour to the spectacular snow-covered Swiss surroundings .
DASHING through the snow, this little stoat is on the lookout for a Christmas feast .
WITH a paw in the air and his tongue hanging from his mouth, it is clear to see that this little groundhog is struggling to wake up and leave behind the comfort of his burrow .
These adorable pictures show the moment two cuddly red panda cubs take their first look at the outside world and are weighed for the very first time .
UNDERWATER and above-water seaside shots show the best of British beach-life .
Meet the dog-loving woman who spends £20k a year looking after her 30 pet PUGS .