PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea. The curious rodent is obviously suspicious of its new toy and after holding the copper tea-pot above its head, the squirrel attempts to wear the prop as a hat. The playful squirrel was photographed by carpenter Geert Weggen in his garden in Bispgarden, Sweden.
FROM a HOLLYWOOD actress to the face of an innocent child, these are incredible drawings with an unlikely twist .
A grand 56-bedroom hotel, once heaving with injured soldiers during the First World War, now lies completely abandoned .
A grandma who lost almost 12 stone after undergoing a gastric bypass has revealed that she now gets chatted up by men half her age .
Fetching a tiny carrot and a head-shaped snowball, a red squirrel builds the perfect snowman .
A brave cricket takes his chances as he sits on top of this green papua tree frog .
Meet the real life anime girl who looks like a living cartoon character despite never going under the knife .
A survivor of abuse has bravely waived her anonymity to tell how she was sexually assaulted from the age of nine - by her depraved grandad .
Made up of 40,000 pieces, putting in over 200 hours of work and blunting endless blades, this is the final result for the world’s largest jigsaw, finally finished on Wednesday .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .