A five-week-old newborn from Fife has become the UK’s youngest beauty pageant baby. Adorable Matilda Mackie, now 10 weeks old, sent competition judges ga-ga and scored second place in a national beauty pageant held in Glasgow. Doting mum Jennifer Mackie, 31, from Glenrothes, Fife, entered her daughter into the competition determined to beat her best friend Amanda Collins. The 29-year-old’s daughter, Luna, now one, became the youngest tot in the UK to enter a beauty pageant at just six weeks old last year. Incredibly, Matilda participated in her first beauty pageant at just five weeks and six days old, beating the former title holder’s record….
A woman has spent over £11k to get the perfect body after a 9st weight loss left her with excess skin .
SOARING at 112 miles per hour through the air, this petite blonde certainly lives up to her title as the fastest flying woman in the world .
This cheeky macaque gets up close and personal as he examines the dental hygiene of his fellow primate .
Pic By HotSpot Media - ‘WORLD’S SMALLEST CINEMA’ IN OAP’S HOUSE -IN PIC- AN OAP film buff has brought the big screen to his home and built the world's smallest cinema in his BEDROOM .
An American man who suffered horrific third-degree burns to 70 percent of his body in a childhood accident has faced his fears by becoming a firefighter .
POPE MOBBED BY THOUSANDS OF WORSHIPPERS IN RIO - Thousands of worshippers gather to celebrate the Papal visit on Copacabana beach, Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil .
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard .
Posh pooch owners are lapping their pets up in luxury by paying £1,500 for 22ct gold lined fine china DOG BOWLS .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .
A woman who starved herself to look like Cheryl Cole has told how she shrunk to just under 5st 13lbs after developing anorexia .
A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook .