Exibiting their superhuman strength these ants look ready to create an art attack by lifting pencils several thousand times their own weight. Vietnamese photographer Thanh Ha Bui captured this incredible image in his parents' back garden and, after spotting a line of super strong weaver ants marching across a branch, decided to test their legendary weightlifting skills. First experimenting with pieces of food and leaves, he eventually ended up with this incredible shot - with each ant displaying a simply unfathomable level of strength. Mr Bui, 31, a construction worker and freelance photographer, explained how he has been fascinated with the weaver ant - renowned as the bodybuilder of the insect kingdom - ever since observing them on a trip to Brazil.
A mother-of-four has revealed how her daughter was stabbed to death by her ex partner, while their horrified children watched on .
From vivid greens to glowing pinks, the colours of the aurora borealis fill the night sky above a snow covered Lapland .
The mother of a young woman stabbed 26 times by her ex-partner for having a secret abortion has told how her daughter was cruelly betrayed by her own social worker .
A prolific drug dealer was caught red-handed in a car filled with amphetamines after he decided to park in a top copper's parking space - as a joke .
A young mum-to-be who was told she would never fall pregnant due to a rare condition has decided to keep her miracle baby even though his birth could leave her paralysed and in pain forever .
Andrea Kubinova, 30, from London, became great friends with serial killer and necrophiliac, Dennis Nilsen .
Britons have finally received some good news about the weather with temperatures expected to reach 30 degrees this weekend .
FLYING through the air, these delighted pooches pull their best poses mid-flight .
A makeup artist from the West Midlands magically transforms herself into famous cartoon characters using body paint .
A man has spent almost £100K on lip fillers, Botox and designer clothing in a bid to look like Kim Kardashian .
These photographs of extreme weather capture storms furiously rolling across the sky above America .