Exibiting their superhuman strength these ants look ready to create an art attack by lifting pencils several thousand times their own weight. Vietnamese photographer Thanh Ha Bui captured this incredible image in his parents' back garden and, after spotting a line of super strong weaver ants marching across a branch, decided to test their legendary weightlifting skills. First experimenting with pieces of food and leaves, he eventually ended up with this incredible shot - with each ant displaying a simply unfathomable level of strength. Mr Bui, 31, a construction worker and freelance photographer, explained how he has been fascinated with the weaver ant - renowned as the bodybuilder of the insect kingdom - ever since observing them on a trip to Brazil.
A BLIND man was battered with a brick in a sickening attack by two thugs .
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard .
An adorable red squirrel says goodbye to the summer as he shelters from the rain underneath a small blue umbrella .
An aerial view of flooding in Gloucestershire .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - EVANDER HOLYFIELD VISITS SICK KIDS: Evander Holyfield in Birmingham children's hospital, where he was giving presents to sick kids .
A lazy otter finds the ideal spot to soak up the sun and sleep off his lunch .
LYING back in the snow, these two polar bears share a cuddle as they call time out on playtime .
HUNDREDS of colour coordinated yarns lie abandoned in this once thriving textile mill .
A former cosmetic rep who swapped make-up for a career as a Marilyn Monroe lookalike has pocketed a staggering $4million (£2,630,000) as a full-time doppelgänger .
Southern England, the south-west and west Wales have been warned to expect more wild weather, with heavy rain and high tides possibly leading to coastal flooding and travel disruption over the weekend .
She was recently named Best Dressed Woman in a new list and is regarded as one of the most stylish women in the world .
A diving mad couple have finally taken the plunge, having tied the knot 30ft underwater .