THE UK’S STRONGEST SCHOOLGIRL attributes her success to the bendy-body condition that once left her body wracked in pain. Pound-for-pound petit 16-year-old Laresce Browne from Eccles in Manchester is now the UK's strongest female teenager with SIX British and World Champion powerlifting records under her belt -- yet until just two-years ago a condition called hypermobility left her in so much pain she was unable to take part in sport. But rather than let her condition limit her life Laresce took inspiration from her weight-lifting dad, Support Worker Adam Browne, 39, and began lifting iron. This CURED her pain and she became champion in her field THANKS to her bendiness. Laresce has a UK record for deadlifting over TWICE her own bodyweight by lifting 105 kilogrammes from a bent over position and can bench press her own bodyweight of 50 kilogrammes (seven stone 12 pounds).
WITH A STERN look of determination on their faces, these adorable pooches perfect their doggy paddle as they dive head first into a swimming pool .
WITH the mystical clouds forming a thick blanket and the electrifying lights below, these stunning pictures provide a unique view of the cityscape of Dubai taken from the tallest building in the world .
A LUXURY baby cot has hit the shelves with a price tag just shy of 10 MILLION POUNDS .
A couple have tied the knot in a spectacular Harry Potter-themed wedding which cost £45,000 .
A first-time mum has told how she was allergic to her unborn baby after she developed an angry red rash all over her body .
A deranged dad beat his girlfriend so savagely in a vicious 30 minute attack that the indent of his sovereign ring was left on her face .
A six-year-old boy has been left almost blind after a one-in-a-million allergic reaction to antibiotics .
In April 2018, Lourdes Cuello, 50, from New Jersey, US, was making a cup of tea when her hair and hoodie caught fire on her gas stove .
SOARING through the air, a hungry white-tailed kite prepares to snatch a vole from his mother’s claws .
A Game of Thrones obsessed couple have fallen in love after meeting at a comic convention dressed as lovestruck characters Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drago .
An adorable baby girl was born with a heart-shaped birthmark on her forehead - after being conceived on Valentine's Day .