The beds are consumed by moss instead of customers at this abandoned hotel. Set tables lie untouched as the Plaza Hotel, located in Germany, slowly decays. These unnerving photographs were captured by London urban explorer Andre Govia, after he decided to start documenting his love of abandoned buildings. 'I have always loved exploring abandoned buildings and one day I was given an old camera and decided to start documenting the decay,' said Andre.
The beds are consumed by moss instead of customers at this abandoned hotel .
When personal trainer, Victoria Spence dreamt of achieving a thigh gap, she didn't realise her obsession would leave her body gripped by anorexia .
A woman has celebrated the end of her marriage to her unfaithful husband by throwing herself a DIVORCE PARTY .
A group of whale sharks gather to feed underneath a fisherman’s boat off the coast of Papua, Indonesia .
A talented artist has created artwork with a KICKIN' twist by painting on his pregnant wife's bump .
It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father .
A former size 30 comfort-eater ditched her husband and lost over 10st after he called her a 'fat cow' .
A woman has revealed how she left her husband of 24 years, after falling in love with a man, 18 years her junior .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
TUGGING at his exhausted mum's ears, a beautiful baby orangutan refuses to settle for a nap as he begins a game of peek-a-boo .