From foster care to the MAGICAL world of cosplay, a young girl’s dreams become reality after being adopted by a photography loving couple. 10-year-old Alice Lewis has assumed the identity of Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy of Oz and Joan of Arc, thanks to her photographer mum and cosplay, a performance art which uses costumes and fashion accessories. For years Alice played make-believe while she dreamed of the day she had a happily ever after with a family of her own, which she found, aged 7, when she was adopted by James and Kelly Lewis, from Atlanta, Georgia.
STAR-TI-LING: 40,000 STARLINGS MIMIC HITCHCOCK'S THE BIRDS- This could be the fearsome scene from Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds as a flock of 40,000 starlings bask in the heat of a wonderful British sunset .
A family of foster carers are facing bankruptcy and homelessness after they signed up to a Government scheme to renovate their house to be used for disabled children's short breaks .
AN underground HOBBIT motel inspired by JRR Tolkien is just one of the unique places to stay at the world's most unusual hotel complex .
WITH THEIR adorable big round eyes and fluffy white fur, these baby seals are cute enough to melt any heart .
When Kylie Holgate discovered her fiancé was having an affair, her world came crashing down .
THIS ONE of a kind experience brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'a coffee to go' .
Vikki Jose, 26 loves nothing more than lavishing gifts on her loved ones at Christmas time .
A young woman has told how she has been robbed of her fertility and now faces an uncertain future after she was diagnosed with cervical cancer at the age of just 22 .
THE TOWERING Irish cliffs of Moher stand tall over the rippling Atlantic Ocean .
A northern potoo shows it is a master of disguise as it perches on a tree stump and blends into the bark .
This was the chaotic scene when the driver of a 4x4 vehicle became periously trapped under his vehicle for an HOUR when it overturned after a crash on a busy motorway .