Meet the real life anime girl who looks like a living cartoon character despite never going under the knife. With her enormous doe eyes, porcelain skin and statuesque pose, Amber Harding could have stepped off a page from a Japanese comic. The 18-year-old from Morley, Perth, Australia, styles herself on the fictional characters, complete with vividly -coloured hair and a doll like pout. Amber says: “Styling myself on an anime girl is a way to express my individuality. I love all things anime and think the characters are quirky and fun.
STARING open-mouthed into the camera, this shocked fish looks out of place in the middle of its angry friends .
Marisah pictured today with scarring to her left arm - A mother-of-one has revealed how she almost died after suffering a seizure whilst driving that caused her car to crash into a tree and burst into flames .
Magical photos of your baby smiling for the first time are a priceless treasure for many a proud parent .
VENTURING into the ocean with self-made spears and nets, the fishermen of Zanzibar put their lives on the line when they catch food for their families .
Complete with core, mantle and crust, these incredible planet cakes are truly out of this world .
BALANCING on top of a tree, this bear cub puts her climbing skills to the test .
THIS unique holiday accommodation allows you to enjoy a full Flintstones experience .
THESE LOVE BIRDS can’t keep their beaks off each other as they share a very public display of affection .
A mum who has hid behind the hair loss condition alopecia for the last 20 years has bravely revealed a secret compulsion to tear out her own hair that has tormented her since she was a child .
This frozen lighthouse in Michigan could easily be mistaken for a still from the snow swept disaster movie The Day After Tomorrow .
A baby sperm whale assumed the role of a friendly giant when faced with two awestruck divers .