Meet the real life anime girl who looks like a living cartoon character despite never going under the knife. With her enormous doe eyes, porcelain skin and statuesque pose, Amber Harding could have stepped off a page from a Japanese comic. The 18-year-old from Morley, Perth, Australia, styles herself on the fictional characters, complete with vividly -coloured hair and a doll like pout. Amber says: “Styling myself on an anime girl is a way to express my individuality. I love all things anime and think the characters are quirky and fun.
An Italian photographer travelled to northern India where he visited poverty stricken suburbs and captured ordinary people in a series of intimate and expressive portraits .
GUITARISTS that want to lay down some slick licks will soon be able to get their hands on a brand new guitar - made from oil cans .
After Leigh Hancock, 36, joined Fallon Bramall's boxing gym she owned with her husband, the pair took him under their wing .
An adorable red squirrel says goodbye to the summer as he shelters from the rain underneath a small blue umbrella .
An American man who suffered horrific third-degree burns to 70 percent of his body in a childhood accident has faced his fears by becoming a firefighter .
A young woman who once weighed the same as 12-year-old girl has told how a severely malnourished cat helped save her life and beat her anorexia .
Sam Notaro built his own flood defences to protect his four-bedroom home in Moorland, Somerset Flooding is likely to get worse around Somerset as groundwater levels continue to rise .
FLAUNTING its new accessory, a fashionable green dumpy tree frog poses for the camera while wearing a SNAIL as a hat .
SAILING over crystal clear waters, the Bajau people of Malaysia live their lives almost entirely at SEA .
Staring death in the face, a little field mouse bravely confronts a hungry cat .
At 19st and eight months pregnant, Ashley Whitfield, went into hospital to have her baby son, Isaac, delivered by emergency C-section .
Whenever 46-year-old Melo Masi steps out of his front door in Berkshire, he risks being mobbed by strangers desperate for a selfie - all because of his incredible likeness to Hollywood megastar, Johnny Depp .