COURAGEOUS climbers descend 400 metres as they manoeuvre their way through thick walls of ice. The ice emits a blue glow as the climbers make their way down and move through the glacier. The stunning photographs were captured by American glacier trekking guide Jared Carlson on a trip to the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. The 36-year-old was joined by climbing friend Jason Nelson, 37, as the pair explored the moulin, which is a circular, vertical well-like shaft within a glacier.
Most women would jump at the chance to put on some lipstick, sling on a pair of heels and head out for a romantic meal with their other half .
WONDERS of the world have been transformed into their mini-versions in a seven-year round the world adventure .
Pic By HotSpot Media - REVELLER'S NEW BEST FRIEND -IN PIC- MEET the revellers new best friend – an interactive sign that will direct you to the nearest happy hour .
A mum has celebrated each of her four pregnancies with a host of wacky stunts - including acrobatics, aerial contortion, pole-dancing and risque photo shoots .
An American woman whose skin turned silver after using nose drops is warning people of the dangers of medicines containing the metal .
WOMB STROKE SURVIVOR AMAZES DOCS BY TAKING FIRST STEPS - A little girl who suffered a catastrophic stroke in the womb which would have killed an adult has stunned the medical world by learning to walk, talk and see .
Pic By HotSpot Media - ‘WORLD’S SMALLEST CINEMA’ IN OAP’S HOUSE -IN PIC- AN OAP film buff has brought the big screen to his home and built the world's smallest cinema in his BEDROOM .
Southern England, the south-west and west Wales have been warned to expect more wild weather, with heavy rain and high tides possibly leading to coastal flooding and travel disruption over the weekend .
A BRITISH couple are the first to tie the knot inside an enormous GLACIER in Iceland .
A cricket perches on an unusual seat after crawling up the snout of a crocodile .
A transgender woman has beaten the bullies after spending £25K on surgery to become a beauty pageant queen .