For years Jeorgia Woodd, 30, abused her body, having succumbed to a condition known as 'diabulimia'. Jeorgia, a diabetic, withheld her insulin injections, because she wanted to lose weight. Diabulimia occurs when insulin-dependant diabetics skip injections to make themselves thinner and it is usually linked to type 1 diabetes, which is where the immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, rather than type 2 diabetes, which is associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Diabulimia can have serious consequences and Jeorgia, a reiki practitioner from Odiham, Hampshire, faces going blind, losing a limb and undergoing a pancreas transplant all because of diabulimia.
BREATHING life back into old photographs, these black and white images are transformed by colour .
LEAPING for joy five-feet above the waves this baby whale cutie is saying HELLO to its family after being lost .
BURSTING from the water, a beautiful but deadly Sumatran tiger jumps for food in an Indonesian zoo .
Full of tired and busy commuters, these underground stations are rarely admired for their architecture or beauty .
LOCATIONS bursting with vibrant greens and chestnut browns, these photographs capture the peaceful English countryside in all its glory .
A mother-of-four has revealed how, like the Beckhams, she’s added an outside toilet to her home .
LUMINOUS green rocks could easily be a beach from Superman's homeland of Krypton .
HIDING behind its flipper, this little seal comes over a little camera shy .
A scorned woman sparked a punch-up in an airport after she caught her copper boyfriend returning from a romantic holiday with a female police officer .
A Crohn's sufferer has told of her humiliation after she soiled herself when a Co-op staff member reportedly refused to let her use the toilet .
An American man continues on his mission to document his journey around the globe by completing a world map tattoo on his back .
A DARING duo take their chances and scale this spectacular 82ft frozen waterfall before it collapses .