THEIR gnarling teeth at the ready, these two baboons fight it out for the last piece of fruit. The two battling monkeys were photographed by Indonesian photographer Monica Anantyowati, 42, after she spotted the scuffle on a trip to Surabaya Zoo, Indonesia. “These photographs capture a special moment that you would rarely get to see when visiting a zoo.” says Monica of Malang, East Java.
SOARING at 112 miles per hour through the air, this petite blonde certainly lives up to her title as the fastest flying woman in the world .
A mother is living in fear after the stalker she holds responsible for her daughter's death is back on the streets, after serving just one year in prison .
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art .
An Indonesian farmer is dragged through muddy water as he clings to the tails of two charging cows .
Diners on this aeroplane are never disappointed with their meal, because the decommissioned aircraft is now home to an air-mazing McDonald’s restaurant .
These beautiful photographs show how these playful pods of dolphins make their own fun by gliding, flipping and spinning through the air whilst enjoying the sun on their backs .
ROLLING up snow in its tiny paws, this little squirrel is looking for a snowball fight .
The claws come out at meal time as a group of white tailed eagles brawl over road-kill .
THIS is the shocking moment a clumsy radio newsreader plunged into a freezing canal while texting her boyfriend instead of looking where she was going .
A GLOWING range of greens and blues sweep across the sky in a spectacular display of light .
THESE kingfishers prove no rod is needed as they go fishing for their dinner .