At first glance it might look like someone has taken their revenge on the makers of those infuriating insurance ads. Billboards across the country appear to have been defaced by an angry graffiti artist, keen to tell Go Compare's iconic opera singer just where he should go. The disfigured billboards show the fictional character Gio Compario - played by Welsh opera singer Wynn Evans - emblazoned with new slogans such as, "go jump off a cliff", "go and get singing lessons", "go away", "go get a new job" and, quite simply, "just go". The billboards have been talked about by hundred of social networkers on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, amused that someone, somewhere, is finally saying what we're all thinking.However, a few have also begun to question whether the graffiti is in fact part of a clever piece of PR on the part of Go Compare themselves.
WE’RE all familiar with the heart-wrenching pictures of dogs abandoned in animal shelters, but one photographer has found an innovative way of showcasing the pooch’s personality.
LEAPING for joy five-feet above the waves this baby whale cutie is saying HELLO to its family after being lost.
While the various controversies rumble on regarding transport, security issues and overly-officious copyright enforcement, a couple of designers is saying what we're all thinking about the Olympics - and putting it on bags.
THEIR gnarling teeth at the ready, these two baboons fight it out for the last piece of fruit.
A woman branded the Jolly Green Giant by SOLE-crushing school bullies for her whopping size nine feet has had the last laugh by opening a shoe shop for big footed girls.
WELCOME to the Temple of Zoom where you can “experience” sliding down a Mayan temple into shark infested waters.
Standing on the edge of a never-ending black hole, this is one leap you wouldn't want to make.
LUMINOUS green rocks could easily be a beach from Superman's homeland of Krypton.
Pic By HotSpot Media - WORLD’S FASTEST AMPHIBIOUS CAR -IN PIC- THE FASTEST amphibious car in the world is capable of a hair-raising 44 miles-per-hour on the water.
A world's first restaurant has opened in Canada, where having your order fall on deaf ears is a good thing.
WELCOME to the 750-foot deep rainbow cave that leaves visitors bewildered by its multi-coloured mood lighting.
WIDE EYED and staring straight down the lens of the camera, this intrigued seal is ready for his close up.