Ever wished you could live in a house just like Barbie's? Canadian sculptor Heather Benning has created the life-size dollhouse of her dreams out a derelict building. Heather, 32, discovered the tumble-down home in 2005 when she took a job as an artist in residence for the community of Redvers, Saskatchewan. While driving to the nearest city of Brandon, Manitoba, to get art supplies she spotted the crumbling former home and pulled over to get a closer look. To anyone else, the house was a decrepit wreck, but to Heather it held a world of possibilities. She said: "When I saw the house through the windows, I saw a life sized dollhouse. I thought to myself, that should be the main project I work on while I'm in the area."Once I returned home from the supply trip I made contact with the landowners of the property and found out the house had been abandoned since the late 1960s and was suffering from substantial water damage."I met with the owners of the land at their farm and promised them that if they donated the house to me, that I would complete the project and would not leave them with a mess to deal with."..
FROM the rolling hills of the Scottish highlands to looming chalk cliffs in Sussex, these stunning photographs capture the spectacular beauty of Great Britain .
A rare manuscript of one of Charlotte Bronte’s earliest poems went under the hammer today and fetched nearly £100,000 – double what it was expected to get .
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for this greedy camel he can't get enough of his morning feed, as he gate crashes his owner's mealtime .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - MILEY MASH-UP: MILEY CYRUS’ naked wrecking ball vid has been lampooned in this side-spitting photo-mashup .
These are the faces of orphans suffering from the horrifying effects of chemical warfare .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
The claws come out at meal time as a group of white tailed eagles brawl over road-kill .
WITH A wide smile plastered across his face, this little gecko is ready for his close up .
BURSTING from the water, a beautiful but deadly Sumatran tiger jumps for food in an Indonesian zoo .
THROWING himself off 1,100ft bridges in a wheelchair, this is the PARALYSED base jumper who knows no fear .
BEHIND the doors of this building, with its stacks of mattresses and discarded remains of wheelchairs, lies another victim of austerity cuts .