An eight-year-old boy who lost his legs and left hand to meningitis is standing tall after learning to walk on his prosthetic limbs. Despite receiving the meningitis C vaccination as a baby, Kye Vincent was diagnosed with meningococcal septicaemia earlier this year on Mother’s Day, just six days after his baby sister, Layla was born. The deadly illness ravaged his body and medics were forced to induce him into a coma to give him the best chance of survival. Thankfully, the plucky youngster has battled against the odds and is looking forward to spending Christmas with his family in his new adapted home.
A SPECTACULAR array of stars fills the night sky as they soar over this active volcano .
A makeup artist from the West Midlands magically transforms herself into famous cartoon characters using body paint .
A BEAUTIFUL sight for the eyes and the imagination, these liquid sculptures take shape in many different colours and formations .
From vivid greens to glowing pinks, the colours of the aurora borealis fill the night sky above a snow covered Lapland .
SEA LIFE and greenery in one shot show nature at its very best .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
A TAXIDERMY truck spotted in America’s Deep South could be the most gruesome wagon on the road .
STEPFORD wives from the 1950's and 60's are performing history's most sexist exercise programme .
A dog was SOW close to death after she dangerously swallowed a two-inch NEEDLE-Cute Shih Tzu Daisy could have pierced her intestines after eating the long needle and thread after finding it on the carpet .
A tiny puppy who lost his front legs after being hit by a train has been given and new LEASH of life with a set of wheels .
With an abandoned tricycle sitting in an empty corridor, this derelict but once grand mansion could be the setting for The Shining .
If you tune into primetime coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games, you’re most likely going to see London’s new Aquatic Center from many angles as athletes from all around the globe compete for the top spot on the podium .