Exploding out of the water, a great white shark performs a backflip during a hunt for seals. The jaw-dropping moment stunned spectators watching from a catamaran near Seal Island in False Bay, South Africa. The hungry shark emerged from the water and bit down on the catamaran's dummy seal, before disappearing into the waves. Yirui Heng, of Singapore, photographed the action, which lasted for just seconds.
Sam Notaro built his own flood defences to protect his four-bedroom home in Moorland, Somerset Flooding is likely to get worse around Somerset as groundwater levels continue to rise .
Pic By HotSpot Media - GAME, SET-TEE AND MATCH: COUPLE INSTALL TENNIS COURT IN LOUNGE- In Pic - Ben Walters’ message to West Midlands Police via social media .
PRANKSTER Dom Joly was so livid when he was slapped with a parking ticket that he took to Twitter to vent his anger – only to discover he was the victim of his own gag! The comic got a taste of his own medicine when he was tricked by a fellow joker for the first time in a decade .
More weather chaos is heading our way, with ice and snow already hitting areas across Birmingham .
SURROUNDED by a snowstorm, these young polar bears battle the elements - as well as each other .
WITH their robotic movements and pristine uniforms, these are the sexy traffic girls of North Korea that are becoming iconic figures in the secretive state .
An American black bear mimics John Travolta’s famous Saturday Night Fever dance move by hurling its arm in the air .
LIKE A living balloon this baitball of sardines is ready to burst when threatened by a pointy nosed sailfish .
A grey whale and her calf greet an audience of awestruck admirers on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .