MEET the painter who makes his living squirting paint from his EYES. Dripping with cool pictures show how the Latin American artist snorts water-colour paint, places his fingers around his nose and then squirts colours over his canvass. The results are a riot of colour splashed onto the canvass in various EYE-WATERING patterns. Argentinian artist Leandro Granato, 27, learned his special talent for pushing liquid from his nose to his eye from a young age.
STEPFORD wives from the 1950's and 60's are performing history's most sexist exercise programme .
This cheeky chappie is getting into all kinds of monkey business as he enjoys cooling off on a scorching hot day .
An adorable orangutan named Pongo celebrates his first birthday at Zoo Atlanta, Georgia, America .
A carefree bear cub reclines in the water with his feet raised in the air .
DINING under the stars, this restaurant takes you back in time - inside an ancient cave .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .
A BUMPER season of births has left zoo with three of the cutest exotic kittens you're likely to see .
The lighthouses of Brittany, from Brest to Le Conquet, stand tall on France’s north-western coast against stunning scenery .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
A photographer from the United Arab Emirates travelled to Pakistan where he captured the lives of local people in a series of expressive portraits .
A cheeky chipmunk offers some of his spare food, before deciding against the idea and shoving the extra peanut into his already crammed mouth .