High up in the mountains and thousands of feet off the ground, a party of climbers were in for a shock as they came face to face with this frightening leap of faith. These daunting photographs were captured by Italian photographer Nicola Bombassei, 38, after he unexpectedly stumbled across the 3,000 meter high drop, at Tre Cime di Lavaredo, Italy. 'The drop should have been fitted with a big wooden board over it, so that climbers can pass the cleft easily,' said Nicola. 'But when we arrived we couldn't find the board anywhere, and it was never an option not to complete the climb, so we had no choice but to take on the jump.
Meet the human CCTV: a PCSO with a memory for faces so sharp he has apprehended more than 130 suspects in the last year alone with his eagle eyed talents .
IT'S the iconic TV show that influenced a whole generation in the 1990s .
A baby sperm whale assumed the role of a friendly giant when faced with two awestruck divers .
BASKING in smug satisfaction, a confident squirrel gives a wink to the camera .
These photographs of extreme weather capture storms furiously rolling across the sky above America .
A British jewellery designer with a passion for London's iconic Gherkin has created a pen with an INK-REDIBLE price tag of £27,500 .
IN THE not so MISTY MOUNTAINS of Wiltshire, there lies an abandoned hobbit house .
THESE kaleidoscopic-like photographs capture England’s churches and cathedrals in all their glory .
A floating market in Indonesia is bursting with vibrant colours as wooden rowing boats loaded with fruit and vegetables crowd the river .
Most people bend over backwards to keep children entertained, but this baboon show us how it’s done .
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move .