LEAPING for joy five-feet above the waves this baby whale cutie is saying HELLO to its family after being lost. By jumping 30-feet across the ocean and slamming its 12-foot-long body into the waves up to 20-times this newly-born whale calf is communicating with the adults of its group to help keep up in the open water. According to British biologist and dive guide Justin Hart, 44, despite being just a few months old this baby sperm whale is using its body to create a slamming sound which travels in the water to the ears of the adults when they disappear deep under the ocean. Justin, from London and now living on Pico Island in the Azores, captured the rare image four-miles from the port of Lajes do Pico, while he was working as a crewman on an underwater documentary with special licence to shoot sperm whales in this area. Sperm whales are a vulnerable species of marine mammal that live in nearly all the world's oceans
JUDGE BLASTED FOR LETTING PAEDO WALK FREE A PERVERT who sexually assaulted two young girls on an allotment, telling them he was brushing spiders off them, has walked free from court – because jailing him was ‘unfair’ on his family .
THE CRAZE for mimicking the video game Streetfighter has spread to the streets of London .
ARMED with her camera, bikini and flippers, this brave diver goes swimming with SHARKS .
BALANCING on top of a tree, this bear cub puts her climbing skills to the test .
AN ADORABLE one-eyed kitten has been dubbed the 'pirate cat' because of his pirate-like facial expressions .
THIS ONE of a kind experience brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'a coffee to go' .
Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg .
Soldiers standing guard outside the Woolwich barracks in London - Two terror suspects are under armed guard in separate hospitals in London after a serving soldier was hacked to death in the street .
HOPPING onto the scales, these adorable baby Humboldt penguins are ready for their first weigh-in .
WITH STUNNING colours and serene scenes, these photographs capture the otherworldly beauty of the English coast .
NATURE PAPARAZZIS prove you don't have to be Justin Bieber or Cheryl Cole to attract a pack of photographers .
A NINJA red squirrel cuts a dashing figure as the little fella jumps up to ten-feet between treetops in the Yorkshire Dales .