WIDE EYED with a huge smile across her face, this little elephant is a picture of happiness. Splashing about in the water, the young elephant revels in an afternoon spent playing with her brother in their enclosure at Ragunan National Zoo in Jakarta, Indonesia. For elephants, touching is an important form of communication, and individuals greet each other by stroking or wrapping their trunks.
These are the men with one of the most unpleasant jobs in the world .
PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .
A BLIND man was battered with a brick in a sickening attack by two thugs .
A fox takes a tumble and lands on his head when he tries to fend off a pair of eagles in Japan .
WELCOME to the Temple of Zoom where you can “experience” sliding down a Mayan temple into shark infested waters .
ESCAPING A LANDFILL FUTURE, these amazing science fiction inspired sculptures are made from everyday objects .
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art .
A young otter wades through a lake with his eyes set on an older rival’s fish .
FINALLY catching a meal, a pair of great white egrets fight over their dinner .
SPLASHING around in a paddling pool, this little elephant soaks up the sunshine .
LEAPING through the air this determined little mouse is on a mission for food .