An adorable orangutan named Pongo celebrates his first birthday at Zoo Atlanta, Georgia, America. Born 10th January 2013, the infant Sumatran orangutan was the first child of mum Blaze. Pongo was born by Caesarean section and was raised by a team of zoo keepers, volunteers and veterinarians, while his mum recovered. First-time mother Blaze initially had to learn to develop maternal skills following her son's birth by Caesarean section last January.
A lazy otter finds the ideal spot to soak up the sun and sleep off his lunch .
A Brit photographer has captured one of the world's most camera-shy species of fish - during a game of underwater peek-a-boo .
AN ANGRY giraffe gave a bush-riding cyclist a scare when he stomped his £2K bike into the dirt .
As sunlight cascades through its vibrant stained glass windows, every inch of the Nasir-ol-Mulk Mosque bursts with colour .
AN ITALIAN mechanic has created the world’s most ferocious mini-car .
COVERING themselves in ash and face paint, these are the holy men who live their lives away from everyday society .
STRETCHING his little legs in the air, a smiley leaf-tailed gecko breaks free from his old, scaly skin .
With the full moon looming behind him, this polar bear nestles down for the night .
This hungry white tiger has just one thing on her mind - to taste fresh meat .
A tiny puppy who lost his front legs after being hit by a train has been given and new LEASH of life with a set of wheels .
SQUABBLING over the last piece of grain, these hungry squirrels are determined to stock up on as much food as possible .