An adorable young fallow deer peers over its shoulder and is greeted by a cheeky jackdaw crow sitting on its back. Surrounded by misty woodland in south-west London, the pair appear to have escaped from a scene in Walt Disney's classic 1942 animated film, Bambi. The moment was captured by 54-year-old photographer Val Saxby at Bushy Park in Richmond upon Thames, London.
THIS ONE of a kind experience brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'a coffee to go' .
PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea .
A floating market in Indonesia is bursting with vibrant colours as wooden rowing boats loaded with fruit and vegetables crowd the river .
SNOWBOARDING in your £2,000 wedding dress sounds like a nightmare for most brides .
A lazy tree frog, tired of hopping along a branch, chooses the slowest form of transport when it jumps on top of an unsuspecting snail .
An Italian photographer travelled to the highlands of New Guinea where he met an Indonesian tribe untouched by the modern world .
SITTING in the middle of a vast desert, an abandoned cinema is still waiting for its first movie to be screened .
SOARING at 112 miles per hour through the air, this petite blonde certainly lives up to her title as the fastest flying woman in the world .
A couple celebrated tying the knot with a spectacular Alice in Wonderland-themed wedding reception .
PERCHED on a branch, this Little Owl plays third wheel to two love birds .
As sunlight cascades through its vibrant stained glass windows, every inch of the Nasir-ol-Mulk Mosque bursts with colour .
FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle .