CCTV shows a dark figure dumping the dog- A pet dog suffering with cancer has been put down after being dumped at an animal rescue in what officials said is the worst abandonment of any animal they have witnessed. The Rottweiler, named by workers at the PET DOG WITH CANCER LEFT TO DIE as Harris, was heartlessly left to die at 3.45am on Wednesday(Sep 19) at the charity's Coventry and Nuneaton base with a huge tumour on its front leg. he sick owner dragged the dog up the driveway on a sleeping bag and deliberately hid his face from the centre's CCTV cameras leaving the mutt to freeze for over three hours on one of this year's first cold autumn nights. The family pet was then discovered by a member of staff when she arrived at work at 7.30am finding him unable to walk, dangerously thin from malnourishment and in a complete state of collapse. Centre staff rushed the helpless dog to a vets where he was immediately put on a drip as he was desperately dehydrated. His hugely swollen front leg was being caused by the tumour that stretched from his shoulder to his knee that staff said would have been there for months as his bony frame was covered in pressure sores. Sadly after taking x-rays, Harris was put to sleep as the vets revealed the dog was suffering from the bone cancer which surrounded his entire humorous and he was also showing signs of secondary cancer in his chest.
HUNDREDS of hot air balloons decorate the sky above Turkey as the rising sun illuminates the spectacular scenery below .
Enjoying life’s little pleasures is something that many struggle to do .
The dog having been pulled from the car - A police officer smashed a window in the blue Chrysler car to free the dog which was in visible distress .
BURSTING colours of reds, pinks and purples give the illusion of a collection of stunning flowers .
STARING eagerly into the camera, this little toad is full of curiosity .
WELCOME to the drawing room that is home to the £100K world’s greatest collection of Margaret Thatcher autographed objects .
EXPERTLY camouflaged, this clever panther chameleon knows how to catch its prey by surprise .
WRAPPED up in classy headscarves, these adorable pooches are the picture of sophistication .
AN OLD ENGLISH cottage packed full of history and valuables has been left to rot .
SQUEEZING their furry faces through a hole in a tree, a trio of curious baby squirrels leave their nest for the first time to explore their surroundings .
Is your cat bored? Do his usual playthings simply not do it for him anymore? Not to worry - there's an app for that .
FROM KISSING an alligator on the nose to walking over broken glass, this fearless daredevil is a real life female JACKASS .