From foster care to the MAGICAL world of cosplay, a young girl’s dreams become reality after being adopted by a photography loving couple. 10-year-old Alice Lewis has assumed the identity of Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy of Oz and Joan of Arc, thanks to her photographer mum and cosplay, a performance art which uses costumes and fashion accessories. For years Alice played make-believe while she dreamed of the day she had a happily ever after with a family of her own, which she found, aged 7, when she was adopted by James and Kelly Lewis, from Atlanta, Georgia.
A British photographer has captured the beauty of London in a stunning series of landscapes shots .
WITH HIS PAW covering his mouth, this cheeky cub looks amused by something .
A terrified moose, trapped in a frozen lake, bobs her head above the icey water and awaits her rescue .
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move .
HUNDREDS of hot air balloons decorate the sky above Turkey as the rising sun illuminates the spectacular scenery below .
A fox takes a tumble and lands on his head when he tries to fend off a pair of eagles in Japan .
A diving guide leaves a shark completely docile and balanced in the palm of his hand .
An Italian photographer travelled to Chile where he visited several star-gazing sites, home to some of the world's most advanced telescopes, located in the spectacular setting of the Atacama desert .
With the vivid red smoke billowing into the sky amid the misty sand dunes, these are the blissful views provided at the break of dawn at a volcano .
A blanket of fog is lit up by the colourful glowing lights of the city below .
SHOVELLING food into his mouth, this hungry gorilla enjoys a peaceful moment at dinner time .