A soap bubble lands on the frosty ground and creates a shimmering snow globe as crystals form around it. Pictured under the winter sun, the bubbles glow as sunlight bounces off their surface. Photographer Hope Thurston Carter captured the images after blowing the soap bubbles on several freezing days in Michigan. The 52-year-old, of Martin, Michigan, says: 'I got the idea to blow bubbles outside in the winter after I saw several similar photos on the internet.
PAWS for thought as you feast your eyes on this rare bear bathing session .
The dog having been pulled from the car - A police officer smashed a window in the blue Chrysler car to free the dog which was in visible distress .
VIBRANT bursts of colour fill the screen as beautiful flowers blossom in these time-lapse videos .
Splashing around in the water, a mother otter and her son are tangled in a family feud .
An Australian beach is illuminated by an enticing neon blue glow as a rare phenomenon lights up the water .
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
IN THE not so MISTY MOUNTAINS of Wiltshire, there lies an abandoned hobbit house .
A photographer has travelled the length of the UK capturing lighthouses and their picturesque surroundings .
More weather chaos is heading our way, with ice and snow already hitting areas across Birmingham .
This longhorn beetle demon-strates a dark side as it looks just like the devil .
BRAIDED, sculpted and beaded, these are the eye-catching hairstyles worn by the tribal women of Angola .