A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook. Cindy Gauthier, 31, and Jean-Nicola Barile, 33, teamed up with Blushing Bride Studio to recreate some of the most memorable scenes from the 2004 romance, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The film, which celebrates its ten year anniversary later this month, is a personal favourite of Cindy, who shares an uncanny resemble to its star.
BURSTING colours of reds, pinks and purples give the illusion of a collection of stunning flowers .
Most people bend over backwards to keep children entertained, but this baboon show us how it’s done .
Primed and ready for action, this collection of striking images from the battlefield could be mistaken for authentic photos taking during World War II .
LIFTING their heads high and bumping beaks, these aggressive pelicans clash over fish .
From a platter of finger licking chicken wings to a bowl of Chinese noodle soup, these foodie snaps are enough to make your savoury saliva glands drool .
A pair of snarling foxes go paw-to-paw and brawl after unexpectedly crossing paths .
GLIDING through the water, these delightful frogs show off their vibrant colours as they practice their FROG crawl .
Balanced on one leg, a frog assumes the crane kick martial arts stance made famous in the movie The Karate Kid .
A Birmingham man inspired by sci-fi film Wall-E, has created a one- wheeled vehicle, controlled by signals from his BRAIN .
THIS DANGER-mad female pensioner could be the oldest Brit to cage dive with CROCODILES .
AN OLD ENGLISH cottage packed full of history and valuables has been left to rot .