HOTSPOT MEDIA - McDIVING CRAZE GOES VIRAL - DRUNK students have brought the term 'extra-value meal' to a new level in a bizarre internet craze sweeping across McDonalds chains - McDiving. The staff really aren't 'Lovin' It' as hilarious videos have emerged of youngsters diving across the counters in the fast food chains at the end of a boozy night out. The youngsters are not quite as graceful as Olympic diving pro Tom Daley as they are seen diving head first across the counter and falling onto the floor in a heap - but it hasn't stopped them. Amusing videos show the clearly intoxicated students taking a short run up - depending on how inebriated they are - before launching themselves across the counter towards unsuspecting employees. Bouncers employed by the fast food chains are then seen dragging the airborne students out of the restaurant.....SEE HOTSPOT MEDIA COPY 0121 551 1004
SOME OF the sea’s most terrifying creatures show their softer side as they join a group of diners for lunch .
FROM THE world famous Girl with a Pearl Earring painting to a jaguar in the grass, these incredible drawings are created from coloured ballpoint pens .
ARMED with her camera, bikini and flippers, this brave diver goes swimming with SHARKS .
A dog was SOW close to death after she dangerously swallowed a two-inch NEEDLE-Cute Shih Tzu Daisy could have pierced her intestines after eating the long needle and thread after finding it on the carpet .
This may look like a monster car engine that will leave petrol heads in a spin, but it is in fact a rather snazzy looking COFFEE MACHINE .
SNEAKING slowly into the water, this Bengal tiger plans a vicious attack on three unsuspecting deer .
While often referred to as the kings of the jungle, gorillas - for all their might - are notorious hydrophobes .
BASKING in smug satisfaction, a confident squirrel gives a wink to the camera .
SITTING quietly at the edge of the lake, these two baby bears watch and learn as the adults hunt for fish .
This brave Hyena finally catches his pray among the thousands of flamingos, Lake Nakuru, Kenya - OUTNUMBERED among thousands of flamingos, this bold hyena is not put off from hunting for a morning snack .
LYING flat out on his back, this little meerkat makes the most of the English sunshine .
WITH HIS PAW covering his mouth, this cheeky cub looks amused by something .