Meet the human CCTV: a PCSO with a memory for faces so sharp he has apprehended more than 130 suspects in the last year alone with his eagle eyed talents. Community officer Andy Pope has been dubbed West Midlands Police's 'Memory Man' for his astonishing ability to spot criminals simply by memorising their faces. He spends hours every week poring over stills taken from CCTV and images from police briefing systems before hitting the streets of Birmingham to seek out troublemakers. So far, Andy's unique crime-tackling technique has led to the arrest and conviction of thieves, sex offenders and people wanted for violent crimes. In one remarkable case he even recognised a serial robber who walked past him in the city centre a whole year after his image had appeared on BBC's Crimewatch programme. The 34-year-old, who works with the Safer Travel team policing public transport routes, is now to be honoured with an award for police staff member of the year. Andy said: "With Safer Travel I spend a lot of time in Birmingham and on arterial routes into the centre. A lot of offenders do pass through city at some point and, when they do, I want to be able to recognise them.
SNOWBOARDING in your £2,000 wedding dress sounds like a nightmare for most brides .
A Cheryl Fernandez-Versini lookalike has slammed skinny-shamers, after seeing her celebrity doppelganger abused for her tiny frame .
A feisty squirrel takes on a fearsome foe when he decides to tackle a T-REX .
AS graffiti goes, this giant mural of a sweet little girl tenderly watering a tree beneath her is a far cry from what you usually see emblazoned across cities .
Thousands of people are gathering at a stadium in Johannesburg for a memorial service for Nelson Mandela .
A mother-of-one has told how she nearly died after contracting toxic shock syndrome from a tampon .
A woman has been left scarred for life after a botched eye lift burnt her eyelids .
SITTING in the middle of a vast desert, an abandoned cinema is still waiting for its first movie to be screened .
When Janet Curry, 38, was told she was ‘too big to date’ by a man she met on the dating website Plenty of Fish, she didn’t let it stop her from looking for love .
Beautiful turquoise waves rise and fall in a series of stunning images taken along the coastline of south-eastern Australia .
N evil mugger who battered a Birmingham old soldier and fled with just £40 has been jailed for nine years .
FLEXING his muscles and staring straight at his opponent, this bodybuilding squirrel is the nuts .