From the tails of fighter planes to black and white checked buildings, graveyards take different and unusual forms around the world. A photographer from Estonia has travelled the globe and captured some of the world’s weirdest and most wonderful burial grounds. Kaupo Kikkas has spent the past 15 years photographing graveyards.
When mum-of-three Becky Tully was told she couldn’t have any more children due to health reasons, she refused to give up on having the little girl she had always wanted .
A skydiver cheated death after plunging 13,000 feet without his parachute opening but survived after landing in a bog .
Ornate chandeliers and mahogany panelling give a glimpse into this abandoned building's former glory after it's been left to rot for the past decade .
HUNDREDS of colour coordinated yarns lie abandoned in this once thriving textile mill .
A woman has spent over £11k to get the perfect body after a 9st weight loss left her with excess skin .
A lazy tree frog, tired of hopping along a branch, chooses the slowest form of transport when it jumps on top of an unsuspecting snail .
A mum who weighed just 8st 1lb at eight months pregnant has battled her eating disorder to give birth to a healthy baby girl .
As sunlight cascades through its vibrant stained glass windows, every inch of the Nasir-ol-Mulk Mosque bursts with colour .
Exibiting their superhuman strength these ants look ready to create an art attack by lifting pencils several thousand times their own weight .
In April 2018, Lourdes Cuello, 50, from New Jersey, US, was making a cup of tea when her hair and hoodie caught fire on her gas stove .
THESE kaleidoscopic-like photographs capture England’s churches and cathedrals in all their glory .