A care worker who broke her spine after jumping from a window to escape a sex attack at the hands of a resident has called for tougher safety measures to protect care staff. Jemma Rixon, 20, had been left on her own to work a night shift at the Potens residential home in Birkenhead, Merseyside when she was attacked by schizophrenic resident, Craig Cantwell, 30, in July 2013. After Cantwell tried to rape her, Ms Rixon fled to an adjoining bathroom, where she hid as he hacked his way through the wall – a scene reminiscent of Jack Nicholson’s ‘Here’s Johnny’ clip in the 1980 thriller, ‘The Shining’...
WITH A wide smile plastered across his face, this little gecko is ready for his close up .
15-foot-long great white sharks on the hunt, in False Bay, South Africa - SHOCK and awe pictures of 15-foot-long great whites on the hunt will leave you stunned .
A mum-of-two has worn the same t-shirt for an entire year to raise awareness of a 1 in 7 million condition that prevents her daughter from talking .
Andrea Kubinova, 30, from London, became great friends with serial killer and necrophiliac, Dennis Nilsen .
A BRITISH couple are the first to tie the knot inside an enormous GLACIER in Iceland .
An American woman whose skin turned silver after using nose drops is warning people of the dangers of medicines containing the metal .
FROM a HOLLYWOOD actress to the face of an innocent child, these are incredible drawings with an unlikely twist .
EXPERTLY camouflaged, this clever panther chameleon knows how to catch its prey by surprise .
AT 4,800 metres high and just three metres wide, this is the most dangerous road in the world .
Growing up, Jasmine Price, now four, loved watching her older sister, Mia Price, now 10, compete in beauty pageants .
This hungry white tiger has just one thing on her mind - to taste fresh meat .
This Robin Reliant appears to have taken a wrong turn after it ended up 15 feet high up in a TREE .