A small Indian monkey is seemingly gob-smacked after reading the latest stock market news. While digging into some lunch, the little Rhesus macaque appears to be shocked by a shares slump as he sits in the trees of Lalbagh Botanical Gardens in southern India. The comical photographs were captured by 28-year-old software engineer Bhavani Gucha while on a photography trip.
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art .
A mother-of-one has told how she nearly died after contracting toxic shock syndrome from a tampon .
PAWS for thought as you feast your eyes on this rare bear bathing session .
This was the chaotic scene when the driver of a 4x4 vehicle became periously trapped under his vehicle for an HOUR when it overturned after a crash on a busy motorway .
A five-week-old newborn from Fife has become the UK’s youngest beauty pageant baby .
WHETHER FLOATING through space or diving underwater, a lucky baby boy enjoys once in a life time experiences - in his DREAMS .
A transgender woman has revealed how she was able to fund her transformation using £100K gifted to her by online admirers .
Standing on the edge of a never-ending black hole, this is one leap you wouldn't want to make .
A man who was stabbed ten times in a frenzied and random attack has told how, two years on, he is too scared to leave his house without his STAB VEST .
A Canadian photographer has captured crystal clear mirror images of Toronto's architecture reflected in puddles - simply by using his iPhone .
A feisty squirrel takes on a fearsome foe when he decides to tackle a T-REX .
On June 23, 2017, Coral Denakis, now 27, woke up on the morning of her wedding day to find a car on fire outside her hotel .