It’s the must-have for any true Disney fan: a Little Mermaid themed wedding. Complete with shell-shaped appetisers, a three-tier mermaid tail cake and a stunning beach backdrop, one enthusiast’s wedding will be the envy of wannabe princesses all over the world. Traci Hines, from Los Angeles, transformed herself into Ariel and married her very own Eric for the fairy tale ceremony. With her tumbling red locks, the model is a dead-ringer for the daughter of King Triton, the ruler of the underwater kingdom of Atlantica.
Walking down the street in her local town, heads turn as Jessica Villafane passes by .
A young polar bear cub becomes the yogi bear as she stretches off for a morning aerobics session .
A woman who suffered from an allergic reaction to hair dye that made her face swell to twice its size has been left too scared to leave the house .
SAT with his arms folded and a cross look on his face, this Gorilla looks like he's had enough of the Christmas holidays already .
A luxury caravan with a price tag of ONE MILLION DOLLARS is due to hit the road later this year .
A mum has celebrated each of her four pregnancies with a host of wacky stunts - including acrobatics, aerial contortion, pole-dancing and risque photo shoots .
MEET the real life sleeping beauty - who snoozed for TWO months when a rare sleep disorder took over her life and turned it into a nightmare .
WIDE EYED and staring straight down the lens of the camera, this intrigued seal is ready for his close up .
A woman has been left unable to smile after undergoing emergency surgery to remove infected lip fillers .
Growing up, Jasmine Price, now four, loved watching her older sister, Mia Price, now 10, compete in beauty pageants .
GLIDING through the water, these delightful frogs show off their vibrant colours as they practice their FROG crawl .
A stunning ice cave in Iceland is illuminated by sunlight as the bright blue ice appears glow inside .