CRAZY BEARDS come into their GROWN when they've been twisted and waxed into shape. Pictures show a variety of styles beard categories from Amish and Dali to Imperial and freestyle. The entrants were part of the New Orleans Just for Men National Beard and Moustache Championships in the USA.
In the calm waters of Greenland, gigantic icebergs dwarf everything around them .
A man has made a SPUD-TACULAR amount of money sending potatoes in the post .
A SPECTACULAR array of stars fills the night sky as they soar over this active volcano .
A Game of Thrones obsessed couple have fallen in love after meeting at a comic convention dressed as lovestruck characters Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drago .
PRANKSTER Dom Joly was so livid when he was slapped with a parking ticket that he took to Twitter to vent his anger – only to discover he was the victim of his own gag! The comic got a taste of his own medicine when he was tricked by a fellow joker for the first time in a decade .
A mum from Gloucestershire has accepted her four-year-old twin son’s decision to live full time as a girl - and is now letting him wear a skirt to school .
MASKED intruders look sinister but really they are a gang of urban exploring pranksters .
The lighthouses of Brittany, from Brest to Le Conquet, stand tall on France’s north-western coast against stunning scenery .
Kelly Harvey, 30 and new boyfriend Ryan Archbold -A bereaved wife once voted Mum Of The Year has been convicted of benefit fraud after claiming widow's allowance long after her new partner had moved in .
THESE LOVE BIRDS can’t keep their beaks off each other as they share a very public display of affection .
An aerial view of flooding in Gloucestershire .