A grey whale and her calf greet an audience of awestruck admirers on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. The magnificent mammals swim up to several boats full of tourists and get so close that the passengers can stroke the mother and baby whale. The special moment was photographed by lawyer Andrea Izzotti, 47, of Genovia, Italy. Andrea says: “The mother was milking her calf in shallow waters, but they are very curious animals and they came up to our boats to see the humans.
An aerial view of flooding in Gloucestershire .
SEA LIFE and greenery in one shot show nature at its very best .
NATURE PAPARAZZIS prove you don't have to be Justin Bieber or Cheryl Cole to attract a pack of photographers .
ONCE A doctor’s surgery, family home and office, an array of medical equipment is scattered throughout this abandoned home .
SAT with his arms folded and a cross look on his face, this Gorilla looks like he's had enough of the Christmas holidays already .
An osprey soars through the air at 30 miles per hour before swooping down to catch its prey from a lake .
Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol .
A woman was diagnosed with cancer after a cyst left her so bloated medics were convinced she was pregnant .
MESMERIZING night sky photographs offer a spellbinding look at the stars .
Pic By HotSpot Media - SWASTIKA’S SPRAYED ON MOSQUE - RACIST graffiti including swastikas have been emblazoned on a £2 .
A Game of Thrones obsessed couple have fallen in love after meeting at a comic convention dressed as lovestruck characters Daenerys Targaryen and Khal Drago .
A SPECTRUM of colours fills the sky during this spectacular and natural display of light .