BALANCING on top of a tree, this bear cub puts her climbing skills to the test. The one year old Eurasian brown bear cub, with the help of her mother and other siblings, scampers ten metres up the tree trunk, before perching on one of the branches. The nimble cub clings on with her claws as the tree wobbles back and forth. This adorable family bonding time was captured by Lithuanian photographers Dalia Kvedaraite, 35, and Giedrius Stakauskas, 38, on a visit to the Martinselkonen Nature Reserve, Russia.
A US firefighter has battled osteoarthritis and four hip replacements to break the world paddleboarding record .
Diners on this aeroplane are never disappointed with their meal, because the decommissioned aircraft is now home to an air-mazing McDonald’s restaurant .
Marina Afonina, now 51, from Northampton, met Ioan Budea in 2006 .
At first glance it might look like someone has taken their revenge on the makers of those infuriating insurance ads .
RACING down the slopes in her tiny ski gear, this TWO-YEAR-OLD girl has already mastered the art of skiing .
A soldier who lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan has found love with a blonde bombshell he met through his newfound passion for rally driving .
Pint- size Maci Winters only has one wish this Christmas - to be as tall as the other boys and girls on the school playground .
A diabetic who was addicted to energy drinks has lost 8st after doctors warned her habit was blinding her .
WITHOUT a care in the world, this little chimpanzee shows off her gymnastic skills as she swings around her enclosure .
A carefree bear cub reclines in the water with his feet raised in the air .
SLEEPING within touching distance of wild African animals might not be everyone's idea of a relaxing break .
LYING back in the snow, these two polar bears share a cuddle as they call time out on playtime .