THIS RING of fire in the sky is the annular solar eclipse that wowed our cousins down-under. The moon moved across the sun for just a few minutes, with the maximum duration of four minutes and thirty seconds in Kowayama in Queensland. Local eclipse hunter Joseph Cali, 49, travelled to a spot near Newman in Western Australia to take the best pictures possible of this impressive natural phenomenon at maximum eclipse. Cali, a Laboratory Manager at the Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University, captured the stunning natural wonder in a series of stunning snaps. An annular eclipse is different from a full solar eclipse where the moon totally blocks out the sun and only the atmosphere of the sun called the corona can be seen. During an annular eclipse, the moon is further away from our planet making it look smaller in relation to the sun. This means more of the sun can be seen and the ring produced by the moon moving across the sun is larger than a full eclipse.
A psychology student from California looks so much like Game of Thrones' Jon Snow that he is mobbed by fans of the fantasy show .
A frilled lizard appears to be belting out a tune as it sits in a tree with its mouth open wide .
LEAPING for joy five-feet above the waves this baby whale cutie is saying HELLO to its family after being lost .
Kevin Silva, 52 from Indiana in the USA, has spent an estimated £65K ($100K) on Batman trinkets over the years, and even keeps his 2,500-item haul in his very own basement 'Bat Cave' .
A mischievous fox cub demonstrates his playful side by biting his sibling’s tail .
A mum-of-three lost 10 stone after her son asked if she was pregnant .
Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol .
While the various controversies rumble on regarding transport, security issues and overly-officious copyright enforcement, a couple of designers is saying what we're all thinking about the Olympics - and putting it on bags .
PERCHING on the edge of a flower, these loved-up caterpillars can't resist each other as they enjoy a romantic moment together .
AIRPORT staff have been put on alert after diet pills that come in grenade shaped containers sparked security alerts .
An artist has transformed traditional Thanksgiving dinners into mini-masterpieces .