Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters. The otter takes no prisoners and packs a mean punch as he battles it out with a rival in a war over food and terrority. The clash is captured in great detail and shows the feisty otter raising his arm and swinging for his opponent, who falls back into the water from the force of the knockout Haymaker-style jab to the face. In one picture, you can see his piercing teeth as he prepares to take a razor sharp chunk out of his helpless competitor. Indonesian photographer Monica Anantyowati snapped the amazing shots while on a trip to Gembira Loka Zoological Garden in Indonesia.
With no luck at the front of the bus, the deer runs around the center seats trying to escape through the window – THIS is the astonishing moment a DEER crashed through the front windshield of a bus before it went hysterically running around the vehicle .
AN EXERCISING turtle and an ice-skating chick are hardly everyday exploits in the animal community .
SAILING peacefully across a river in the early morning light, a fisherman in China keeps a 1000 year old tradition alive .
LIKE SUPERMAN carrying a slimy Lois Lane through the air this frog is treating its mate to a flying lesson .
A man has spent almost £100K on lip fillers, Botox and designer clothing in a bid to look like Kim Kardashian .
football club has scored an own goal after it had to embarrassingly rename its stadium in honour of the DEVIL .
RACING through the mountain range on horseback, the Kazakh people practice their ancient tradition of hunting with golden eagles .
SPURTING water 20ft into the air, this is one well you wouldn't want to dip your bucket into .
WITH the phosphorescent blobs and mesmerising patterns, these spectacular images may look like the hall marks of an enchanted forest but it is in fact the scene of thousands of dancing FIREFLIES .
A WIMBLEDON-mad couple will be creating a racket this summer - after installing a TENNIS COURT in their living room .
Something appears to have tickled this baby owl as he seems to be having a real HOOT .