Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters. The otter takes no prisoners and packs a mean punch as he battles it out with a rival in a war over food and terrority. The clash is captured in great detail and shows the feisty otter raising his arm and swinging for his opponent, who falls back into the water from the force of the knockout Haymaker-style jab to the face. In one picture, you can see his piercing teeth as he prepares to take a razor sharp chunk out of his helpless competitor. Indonesian photographer Monica Anantyowati snapped the amazing shots while on a trip to Gembira Loka Zoological Garden in Indonesia.
A woman has taken her house back in time - by spending £10,000 to transform it into her Victorian dream home.
RECORD BREAKING GRAN'S COLLECTION OF NEARLY 800 SHEEP HOTSPOT MEDIA – WITH PICS 0121 551 1004 By Katie Thompson A record-breaking baa-rmy gran with a love for sheep has amassed a collection of nearly 800 woolly wonders.
Beautiful turquoise waves rise and fall in a series of stunning images taken along the coastline of south-eastern Australia.
A quiet Himalayan mountain village springs to life for a colourful Buddhist festival designed to expel evil spirits and bring happiness.
BASKING in smug satisfaction, a confident squirrel gives a wink to the camera.
THESE kingfishers prove no rod is needed as they go fishing for their dinner.
A mum has celebrated each of her four pregnancies with a host of wacky stunts - including acrobatics, aerial contortion, pole-dancing and risque photo shoots.
The UK's first hotline - and possibly the galaxy's - for people who have been targeted by aliens has opened to the public.
COULD this £5,000 auction of Paul McCartney’s Liverpool front door be the most bizarre celebrity sale yet? The door, which looks-like it may have been knocked – and possibly kicked – very hard during its past, was used by members of Britain’s most famous band to visit lead-singer Paul McCartney when he lived at the address from 1955 to 1964.
A prolific drug dealer was caught red-handed in a car filled with amphetamines after he decided to park in a top copper's parking space - as a joke.
A Gary Barlow superfan has lost an incredible 11st after a selfie with the pop star left her horrified by her 22st 9lb figure.
Raising his arms above his head and lying flat on his back, a polar bear stretches as he sprawls out across the ice.