This longhorn beetle demon-strates a dark side as it looks just like the devil. The bug peers into the camera and could have just crawled out of satan's lair as it poses complete with with its huge antannae that stand out like devil's horns. Its four centimetre long prongs are almost as long as the bug's body as it stands fearless with its devil like red eyes. It posed in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic last month with its mouth open ready to pounce on its next victim. The image was captured by 19-year-old Czech photgrapher Tomas Celar whilst on holiday in the Caribbean. He explained how lucky he felt he was to grab the picture as it was the only time he saw a bug of its kind in the two weeks he was in the country.Tomas said: " This is the most devil-like animal I've seen. I expected it to look pretty cool when I took the shot, but I didn't realise until I downloaded it just how evil it looks. "It looks really scary with it's big jaws and really long antennae which are over four centimetres, that's big for a bug of this type. "There's not many of the longhorn beetles about though, this was the only one I saw but I understand they are more native to the Caribbean and South America.
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