A BUMPER season of births has left zoo with three of the cutest exotic kittens you're likely to see. Two female new-born clouded leopards and one female lynx kitten look like they are off to a roaring start. Pictures show the rare new-borns showing off their kitty skills just like the hunters they would be in the wild. Born in Nashville Zoo they are the latest additions to the total of 20 clouded leopards and three Eurasian lynx
A man who was stabbed ten times in a frenzied and random attack has told how, two years on, he is too scared to leave his house without his STAB VEST .
A mining town in Australia’s outback appears to be completely deserted, but its residents have escaped the scorching heat by living in underground caves .
A shameless internet troll, who targets young girls online for fun, has slammed victims of cyber-bulling as WEAK .
A woman who was addicted to GREGGS has lost 9st after giving up her favourite food .
SQUEEZING their furry faces through a hole in a tree, a trio of curious baby squirrels leave their nest for the first time to explore their surroundings .
Two dogs who couldn't keep their paws off each other have been united in matrimonial bliss after their owners shelled out $10,000 on a lavish canine wedding ceremony .
A soldier who lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan has found love with a blonde bombshell he met through his newfound passion for rally driving .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
Have you ever wanted to emulate the Duchess of Cambridge's style? Well, now there's an app for that .
A teenage girl nicknamed 'spotty dog' by school bullies has embraced the hundreds of birthmarks that cover her entire face and body .
A university graduate who was obsessed with achieving a thigh gap has told how she shrunk to just 6st after developing anorexia athletica .
A medical student has gone from chunky to hunky after being dumped by his ex- girlfriend for being too 'chubby' .