SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea. The amazing photographs were captured by an underwater diving company while out exploring the ocean in Tonga. Scott Portelli, 41, manager of Swimming with Gentle Giants, said: “I have been swimming with whales in Tonga for over 12 years.
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
Staring death in the face, a little field mouse bravely confronts a hungry cat .
SPLASHING in the water and fighting in-between rocks, these energetic tigers enjoy their fun-filled morning .
Going for long rides through vast fields together, this twosome share an unbreakable bond .
FINALLY catching a meal, a pair of great white egrets fight over their dinner .
A Little owl looks down the lens of a camera and gives the photographer a cheeky wink .
LYING back in the snow, these two polar bears share a cuddle as they call time out on playtime .
Fetching a tiny carrot and a head-shaped snowball, a red squirrel builds the perfect snowman .
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters .
SAT ON top of a Brazilian turtle’s head, this little ladybird looks content as he studies his environment from a new height .
An Italian photographer travelled to northern India where he visited poverty stricken suburbs and captured ordinary people in a series of intimate and expressive portraits .
WITH A LITTLE cap of fresh snow resting on his head, this squirrel tries his best to pull off his new look .